
The Lost SuperFoods: 126+ Survival Foods and Tips for Your Stockpile

126 Forgotten Survival Foods That You can Stockpile for Years without Refrigeration.


Book Details


Claudiu Giurgi


January 1, 2020


1st Edition








272 Page

About The Author

Art Rude

Art Rude attended Minot State College and later, Minot State University, college for a Bachelor Degree in Education with Majors in Chemistry and Physical Science, and university for a “Master of the Art of Teaching Mathematics” degree. He taught HS in Bottineau, Belcourt, Dunseith, Fort Yates Public, and Standing Rock, with his last 9 years at Bismarck State College as Associate Professor of Mathematics/Physics. He left teaching to return to the oil patch where he had spent several years in the early eighties. All in all, he spent 31 years as a classroom teacher and coach, and at the time of the book release was the Safety Manager for Stellar Field Service, an oilfield service company in the Williston Basin of North Dakota. He has since retired, and has dedicated his retirement to “saving America from the two party system, a house divided cannot stand." His home is a cabin in the woods (called his fortress of solitude) at his family farm in the center of the state close to the Canadian Border. From there he has written another book as well as this one, and blogs at Political Reform with Art Rude on Facebook. At a younger age, he had a state level job as the Public Relations and Fund Raising Director for the ND Democratic Party. Says Rude, "I took the job naively believing the Democratic Party represented the little guy, but when I got into the job, I found they didn't want me wasting my time with fundraisers with the little guys, I was to go after the big bucks. I left the job disillusioned, and resolved to try fix the system. I ran for the state house and senate on both sides as I felt the problem was systematic and not limited to one side, I even got close! It was after that I started working on this book. A complex problem is not easily understood, I hope I have made it more understandable. More than that, I hope to alter the arguments back to discussion." Political Cocaine will be a most enjoyable read and you will be amazed at how much your perspective will have widened, possibly beyond your two party blinders.

Claude Davis

Claude Davis is an old-fashioned guy by any standard. He is fascinated by the old days, when people were wiser, healthier and more independent.

He’s a firm believer of “practice what you preach”, so he has personally built a log cabin where he lives with his wife and two children.

Cooking outside on an open flame, making his own clothes and stockpiling homemade canned foods are just a few of the things he loves doing.

He believes that the teaching of our forefathers can prepare us for anything in life.

After all, a crisis is what people 150 years ago called daily life: no electricity, no computers, no internet, no supermarkets and no pharmacies in sight.

And still they came out on top, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

Claude considers that lifestyle to be the building block that shaped modern day America and turned young people from softballs to hardened adults, ready to face anything life threw at them.

Fred Dwight

Lex Rooker

The Lost SuperFoods: 126+ Survival Foods and Tips for Your Stockpile


126 Forgotten Survival Foods That You can Stockpile for Years without Refrigeration.

Have you ever wondered what foods can give you the most nutrients and have the longest shelf-life?

Inside this unique 270-page cookbook you’ll get to rediscover the lost superfoods that kept previous generations alive through the worst of times. I’m talking about world wars, famines, riots, natural disasters and any other man-made crisis you can imagine.

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Full of protein, healthy fats and just the right amount of carbs to keep you going these are the LOST FOODS that filled the pantries, larders and the bellies of crisis survivors from the age of the Pharaohs all the way up to the end of the Cold War.

Most of these forgotten superfoods will keep good for a minimum of three years inside your pantry, without refrigeration. With some foods it goes as high as sixty years. So, you can depend on them even if the Grid ever goes down or if some other disaster puts the lights out in your area for an extended period of time.

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Art Rude, Claude Davis and Fred Dwight, the authors, have been studying these lost foods in America for years and also kept in close contact with other experts who’ve done the same in other parts of the world.

That’s why you’ll find out with clear color pictures and precise step-by-step instructions how to your own lost superfoods such as:

  • The US Doomsday Ration – a secret military superfood that was developed during the Cold War and was meant to feed the entire US population in post-apocalyptic conditions.
  • The Lost Ninja Superfood, that kept Japan’s these elite warriors well-fed on their month-long missions.

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And that’s just the beginning! With more than 124 other long-lost superfoods you’ll have everything you need to remain well-fed and healthy in the next crisis and help your family and loved ones do the same.