
Women, Gender, and Crime: A Text/Reader – 3th Edition

Women, Gender, and Crime: A Text/Reader, Third Edition presents issues of gender, crime, and criminal justice in context through edited research articles enhanced by brief authored sections.


Book Details


SAGE Publications, Inc


February 14, 2018


3th Edition









About The Author

Stacy L. Mallicoat

Stacy L. Mallicoat

Stacy L. Mallicoat is a professor of criminal justice in the Division of Politics, Administration, and Justice at California State University, Fullerton. She earned her BA in legal studies and sociology from Pacific Lutheran University and her PhD from the University of Colorado, Boulder, in sociology. She is the author of several books, including Women and Crime: A Text/Reader, Women and Crime: Core Concepts, and Criminal Justice Policy. Her work also appears in a number of peer-­reviewed journals and edited volumes. She is an active member of the American Society of Criminology, the ASC’s Division on Women and Crime, and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.

Women, Gender, and Crime: A Text/Reader

Women, Gender, and Crime: A Text/Reader, Third Edition presents issues of gender, crime, and criminal justice in context through edited research articles enhanced by brief authored sections. Each article is carefully edited to demonstrate the application of the concepts presented in the text. Author Stacy Mallicoat brings all the content together by highlighting underlying themes of race and diversity, helping students gain a better understanding of women as victims, offenders, and criminal justice professionals.

Recommended: Women, Gender, and Crime : Core Concepts

New to the Third Edition:

  • More than 50% new journal articles introduce you to important topics such as transformative feminist criminology, human trafficking, gender specific programs for juveniles, the impact of social ties on long term recidivism, social relationships and group dynamics for female inmates, and more.
  • Fourteen new or updated case studies present compelling examples that connect concepts to real-life occurrences by covering key issues, such as, sexual victimization at military academies, stalking on college campuses, pregnancy and policing, and self-care for victim advocates.

Recommended: Crime and Criminal Justice: Concepts and Controversies

  • Expanded coverage of critical topics make you aware of important issues such as multiple marginalities and LGBT populations, cyberstalking, labor trafficking, women and pretrial release, and challenges faced by female police officers.
  • Updated statistics, graphs, and tables demonstrate the most recent trends in criminology.